C. Admission and Entry to the School
12. Application and Admission: Applicants will be considered as candidates for admission and entry
to the School when (1) the Application for Admission Form has been duly completed, signed by
a Parent and received by us and with the non-refundable Application Fee (2) the Parent attends
the pre-admission interview with the School: and (3) the Parent signs the Student Contract and
all other associated documentation pertaining to enrolment. Admission will be subject to the
availability of a place and the Student and Parents satisfying the admission requirements at the
time. Students may be placed on the waitlist if no places are available, and Students are
generally allocated a place in order of application but the School reserves the right to allocate
places at its discretion as vacancies become available. “Admission” occurs when Parents accept
the offer of a place and pay all requisite school and admission-related fees. “Entry” is the date
when a Student attends the School for the first time under this Agreement. The Parent is
responsible for obtaining the Student pass, dependent pass or associated pass for the Student
to study in Singapore, and evidence of such eligibility must be provided to the School before
starting school. During the application process, the student may be required to undergo
academic testing and submit prior report cards as needed. A request for reference may also be
sent to the School or Institutions previously attended by the Student.
13. Entry Considerations: Parents agree to fully disclose citizenship, learning needs or other
information relating to the Student’s application. The School will assess the Student’s English
Language proficiency and/or academic level. Parents and/or legal guardians and/or guardians
will also be required to execute the applicable declaration and undertaking form(s) in such form
and manner as may be prescribed by the School from time to time, failing which the School is
entitled to withdraw the offer of a place or exclude the Student from the School without refund
of any Fees. The student may be required to take a test or be interviewed to determine this. If a
test is required, all test responses must be those of the child, and if it becomes apparent that
this has not been the case, the School is entitled to withdraw the offer of a place or remove the
Student from the School without refund of any Fees. The School may also determine on a case
by case basis whether English as a Learned Language support is required as a condition of
continued enrollment.
14. Withholding Information: If it becomes apparent that information considered reasonable for
consideration for entry to the School has been withheld, is inaccurate or falsified, the School
has the right to exclude the Student from the School without refunding any Fees.
15. Disclosure of Nationality: Parents are required to fully disclose the nationality/citizenship status
of all applicants – including dual nationality. Specifically, any applicant who holds Singapore
citizenship, either by birth or registration, must declare this information at the time of the
application, as approval from the Ministry of Education is required before Entry. After entry, any
change in the nationality and residency status must be immediately notified to the school in
16. Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents (PRs): Singapore citizens holding dual citizenship
may not make an application based on their non-Singaporean status. Permanent Residents who
are non-Singaporeans do not require a Ministry of Education waiver. Children who become
Singapore citizens will only be able to retain their place at the School after the Ministry of
Education has issued a waiver.
17. Non-Singapore citizens and Non-Permanent Residents (PRs): Admission and continued
enrollment at the School is conditional upon the Student having a valid Student’s Pass,
Dependant Pass or other Pass issued by the Immigration Department of Singapore. Any changes
in the parent’s employment and/or expiry of relevant Pass or change in the immigration status
of the Student must be immediately notified to the School in writing. Students must be legally
permitted to reside in Singapore to remain enrolled at the School.
D. Student Welfare
18. Our Commitment: We will do all that is reasonable to safeguard and promote your child’s
welfare and to provide pastoral care to at least the standard required by law in the particular
circumstances and often to a much higher standard. We will respect your child’s legal rights and
freedoms which must, however, be balanced with the lawful needs and rules of our school
community and the legal rights and freedoms of others.
19. Complaints: Any question, concern or complaint about the Student welfare or safety of a
Student must be notified immediately to a member of the staff or, in the case of serious
concern, must be notified in writing to the Superintendent and/or by telephone in a case of
emergency. A copy of the school’s current complaints procedure is contained within the school’s
Dispute Resolution Policy.
20. Student’s Legal Rights: Under Singapore law, a person under 21 years of age is considered a
minor and the parents/guardians are responsible for the Student. The decision making rights of
a minor vest in the parents/guardians. Where parents of the Student are divorced/separated,
the School will follow an order of court to determine the party/parties that has/have custody of
the Student and therefore, is responsible for making decisions for the Student.
21. Superintendent(s)’ Authority: The Parents authorise the Superintendent to make all decisions
and/or take such actions as the Superintendent in good faith and on justified grounds considers
necessary and/or appropriate to safeguard and promote the Student’s welfare or those of the
School community. The Superintendent has the authority to impose such sanctions as it deems
appropriate for the breach of discipline, the breach of the Terms and Conditions herein, or the
breach any rules of the School or when it considers such sanction to be appropriate to
safeguard and promote the Student’s welfare or those of the School community including but
not limited to exclusion, suspension (including during investigation – criminal or otherwise),
removal or expulsion of the Student. The Superintendent is, however, not responsible for a
Student who is absent from the School, the Student’s conduct outside the School, or the
student’s conduct in School which are in breach of School discipline or which are unsupervised
and for reasons other than for School related activities. It is a condition of the Student’s
continued enrolment in the School that the Parents, Guardians and Student accept the rules
and/or directions on the School regarding appearance and discipline. In the event of an
emergency situation involving the Student, the Parent/guardian appointed by the Parent
authorises the School to make decisions on their behalf for the Student if reasonable attempts
made by the School to contact the Parent/guardian are unsuccessful.
22. Physical Contact: Parents give their consent to such physical contact as may accord with good
practice and be appropriate and proper for teaching and instruction and for providing comfort
to a Student in distress or to maintain safety and good order, or in connection with the
Student’s health and welfare.
23. Disclosures: Parents must, as soon as possible, disclose to the School in confidence any known
medical condition, health problem or allergy affecting the Student, any history or diagnosis of a
learning difficulty on the part of the Student or any member of his/her immediate family, or any
family circumstances or court order which might affect the Student’s welfare or happiness, or
any concerns about the Student’s safety.
24. Special Precautions: The Superintendent needs to be aware of any matters that are relevant to
the Student’s safety and security. The Superintendent must therefore be notified in writing
immediately of any court orders or situations of risk in relation to the Student for whom any
special safety precautions may be needed. Parents may be excluded from School premises if the
Superintendent, acting in a proper manner, considers such exclusion to be in the best interests
of the Student or of the School.
25. Leaving School Premises: Students must seek permission to leave the School grounds and
adhere to the procedures in the School Policy. The Parents agree that the School is entitled to
prevent a Student leaving the premises during school hours where prior arrangement was not
made and until such time as the express permission of the Parents is obtained. The School will
do all that is reasonable to ensure that the Student remains in the care of the School during
school hours but we cannot accept responsibility for a Student who leaves school premises
whether or not in breach of School Policy.
26. Residence during the School Year: Students are required during the School Year to live with a
parent or guardian. The Superintendent must be notified in writing immediately if a Student will
be residing during the School Year under the care of someone other than a parent or guardian.
The School will not usually accept a Student who is not living with their parents or guardian.
The School may accept a Student who is residing with a close relative. This is at the School’s
discretion and the School will only consider accepting such an arrangement if the Student’s
Parents and guardian(s) have first executed the applicable declaration and undertaking form(s)
in the form and manner as may be prescribed by the School from time to time.
27. Absence of Parents: When both Parents or Guardians (as applicable) will be absent from the
Student’s home overnight or for a twenty-four hour period or longer, the School must be
notified, in writing the name, address and telephone number for twenty-four hour contact with
the adult, other than a domestic helper, who will have the care of the Student.
28. Communication with Parents: With the exception of communication regarding cancellation,
withdrawal and notice of withdrawal, the School will (unless otherwise notified) treat any
communication from a Parent, Guardian or person notified to the School in the preceding
clause as having been given on behalf of the Parents of the Student and any communication
from the School to any such person as having been made to each of them. The School will
regularly update and use the MyStamford portal as their main form of communication with the
Parents and Students. Parents agree to regularly visit the MyStamford portal to be kept
informed of events, School dates and other information.
29. Guardians: A Student of any age whose Parents are resident outside Singapore must have a
guardian in Singapore who has been given legal authority to act on behalf of the Parents in all
respects and to whom the School can apply for authority when necessary. Guardians must also
be acceptable to the School – in most cases this means a close relative of suitable maturity. In
such arrangements, the Student’s Parents and Guardian(s) must execute the applicable
declaration and undertaking form(s) in the form and manner as may be prescribed by the
School from time to time, failing which the School is entitled to exclude the Student from the
School or require the removal of the Student from the School without the refund of any Fees. In
the event that the School discovers that the Student’s Parents and/or Guardian(s) has made a
false or untrue declaration, or failed and/or refused to comply with any of the undertakings
provided to the School, the School is entitled to exclude the Student from the School or require
the removal of the Student from the School without the refund of any Fees.
30. Photographs and Email Addresses: By enrolling your child at the School you give consent for
your child to be photographed for non-marketing purposes. Parents have the option to opt-in to
allowing the School to use the Student’s work, photographs, and other material for
advertising/paid marketing purposes, such as showcasing the School’s accomplishments.
Additionally, parents may choose to receive newsletters and marketing materials from the
School’s affiliates by email. If families wish to opt-out, they may do so at any time through the
MyStamford portal.
31. Transport: In the event that transport is arranged by the School for a School event, the Parents’
consent to the Student travelling by any form of public transport and/or in a motor vehicle
driven by a responsible adult who is duly licensed and insured to drive a vehicle of that type.
32. Student’s Personal Property: Students are responsible for the security and safe use of all their
personal property. Parents are responsible for labeling all personal property. Parents are
responsible for insurance of the Student’s personal property while at the School or on the way
to and from School or any school-sponsored activity away from School premises.
33. Liability: Save where the School is found to be grossly negligent or guilty of gross misconduct
causing personal injury, loss or damage, the School shall not be responsible to the Student or
Parents / Guardians for any personal injury suffered, or damage to or loss of any property
belonging to the Student or Parents Guardians, on School premises. The School cannot be
responsible for any personal injury and/or loss or damage suffered by the Student or Parents
Guardians outside of the School’s premises.