December 6, 2021

This Xmas, be Santa to our Migrant Workers!

Organised by our Stamford PTA Parent Group, there will be a ItsRainingRaincoats donation drive from Mon 6th Dec to Tues 14th Dec. 

This Christmas, It’s Raining Raincoats aims to reach out to 750,000 migrant workers, with a small token of appreciation. With all of us coming together and becoming their Santa, we can surely get closer to that goal. Look to our gift ideas shown here to see what you can contribute.

*All gifts must be NEW & GIFT WRAPPED*

Please place your gifts into the collection boxes at the following locations:
– Lower Elementary Office (L1M)
– Upper Elementary Office (W3-01)
– Middle School Office (A6-26)
– High School Office (F6-01)

It’s Raining Raincoats is a charity organisation for the benefit of improving the lives of migrant workers in Singapore.
For more information, visit http://tinyurl.com/irrxmas21.

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